With our service you don't need to install anything on your server. We host and manage the demos sites for you so you can focus on supporting and marketing your products.

Option 1: Simple easy, quick (Free)

The easiest way to start is to link to https://wpdemo.net/try and pass the plugin or theme parameter to that URL. Either of those can be a zip file or plugin or theme’s WordPress.org slug.

Get a free WordPress plugin demo by using plugin's WordPress.org slug 
Example: plugin's page: wordpress.org/plugins/orbisius-child-theme-creator
slug: orbisius-child-theme-creator
link: https://wpdemo.net/try?plugin=orbisius-child-theme-creator

Create a WordPress plugin demo using a direct download link

Get a free WordPress theme demo using theme's WordPress.org slug 
Example: theme's page: wordpress.org/themes/oceanwp
slug: oceanwp
link: https://wpdemo.net/try?theme=oceanwp

Get a free WordPress theme demo using a direct download link

Passing a full download link may not work for paid plugins or themes because your users will see that download link.

Option 2: Advanced (Paid Service)

If you want a way to manage multiple demo site templates & also to have a custom & full demo site template you should consider this option.
We have a step by step wizard like set up process for each demo. You can configure so many features from option 1 and pass additional parameters such as redirect url (user can land on your plugin/theme's main page), support and buy now links.

Another option is that we can create a demo site template that you'll be able to configure it the way you’d like it. We'll package it and all the demo sites will be based on that site.

Sign up to get started and have demos running within minutes (no technical skills required).