Do you want a powerful Managed Demo Server (scroll down for more info) ?

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We also offer Managed Demo Servers (no root/admin access though). Contact us about your needs and we’ll think about something. The main benefits is that server’s resources can be adapted based to your needs.


  • Expandable server memory/RAM and CPU cores
  • Expandable Disk storage. From 50GB to 10TB
  • Various server locations: EU, US etc.
  • Site expiration can vary from hours to days
  • Database access
  • Outgoing emails is turned off to avoid spam issues
  • Custom php settings: memory, file uploads, max input or execution time
  • Special weblink that you can call to have demo site set up without the regular CAPTCHA prompt
  • Custom (sub)domain + SSL or we’ll set up one for you e.g.
  • Optional: image optimization static server set up (Powered by StatOpt)
  • Optional: static file server (which speeds up site load)

Note: we manage the server for you and install server updates and to our platform software. Server root/administrative access is NOT provided as the server runs on proprietary software to manage demo sites. You will have access to each demo site’s files and databases.