Export Products, Orders, Users, Categories, Tags and other store details out of WooCommerce into Excel spreadsheets and other simple formatted files (e.g. CSV, XML, Excel 2007, XLS, etc.).


Introduction - WooCommerce Export Plugin
Premium | Documentation
Export WooCommerce Products, Orders, Categories, Tags, Users and other store details into Excel spreadsheets that suit your store requirements.
Simply click Quick Export to produce concise, ready to use Excel spreadshseets.
Screen-loads of export fields, filters and options are available to customise each export type, with native export integration for 125+ WooCommerce Plugins.
This WooCommerce export Plugin maintains compatibility with the latest WooCommerce release through regular Plugin updates, we also proudly maintain compatibility with legacy releases of WooCommerce.
Supported since 2012 Store Exporter for WooCommerce is maintained by an active community of store owners and developers providing feature suggestions and feedback.

WooCommerce export types

Export Products
Export Categories
Export Tags
Export Brands ()
Export Orders
Export Customers ()
Export Users
Export Coupons ()
Export Subscriptions ()
Export Product Vendors ()
Export Bookings ()
Export Commissions ()
Export Shipping Classes ()
Export Attributes ()

WooCommerce export features

🔸 Toggle and save export fields
🔸 Field label editor (
🔸 Scheduled exports ()
🔸 Export templates (
🔸 Compatible with WordPress Multisite
🔸 Compatible with WPML (WordPress Multilingual) ()
🔸 Compatible with WP-CLI (
🔸 Export to CSV file
🔸 Export to TSV file ()
🔸 Export to Excel 2007 (XLS) file (
🔸 Export to Excel 2013 (XLSX) file ()
🔸 Export to XML file (
🔸 Export to RSS file ()
🔸 Export to WordPress Media
🔸 Export to e-mail addresses (
🔸 Export to fixed filename ()
🔸 Export to remote FTP/FTPS/SFTP (
🔸 Export to remote POST ()
🔸 Supports external CRON (
🔸 WP-CLI support ()


Export Products by Product Category/Tag
Export Products by Product Status
Export Products by Type including Variations
Export Products by Stock Status/Quantity
Export Products by Featured
Export Products by Date Modified
Export Orders by Order Date
Export Orders by Order Status ()
Export Orders by Customer ()
Export Orders by Billing/Shipping Country ()
Export Orders by Product ()
Export Orders by Product Category/Tag/Brand ()
Export Orders by Order ID/Invoice Number ()
Export Orders by Payment Gateway/Shipping Method ()
Export Orders by Coupon Code ()
Export Customers by Order Status ()
Export Customers by User Role ()
(*) Requires the Pro upgrade to enable additional store export functionality.
Native export integration with 125+ WooCommerce Plugins
Just a few of the features unlocked in the Pro upgrade of Store Exporter include:
- Export All in One SEO Pack
- Export Advanced Google Product Feed
- Export Product Addons
- Export Sequential Order Number Pro
- Export Checkout Manager
- Export Checkout Manager Pro
- Export Checkout Field Editor
- Export Cost of Goods
- Export Per-Product Shipping
- Export Print Invoice & Delivery Note
- Export Local Pickups Plus
- Export WooCommerce Subscriptions
- Export Checkout Field Manager
- Export Currency Switcher
- Export WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips
- Export WooCommerce Checkout Add-ons
- Export Product Vendors
- Export WooCommerce Jetpack
- Import fields for Product Importer Deluxe
... and many more free and Premium extensions for WooCommerce and WordPress.
For more information visit our site.
Happy exporting! 🙂


1. Upload the folder 'woocommerce-exporter' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Activate 'WooCommerce - Store Exporter' through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
See Usage section before for instructions on how to generate export files.


1. Open WooCommerce > Store Export from the WordPress Administration
2. Select the Export tab on the Store Exporter screen
3. Select which export type and WooCommerce details you would like to export
4. Click Export
5. Download archived copies of previous exports from the Archives tab


If you have any problems, questions or suggestions please create a topic here on the Store Exporter dedicated forum.
Store Exporter on w.org

Reporting security issues

If you are here to report any sort of security issue with this Plugin please use this Report a Plugin vulnerability form.