Advanced Access Manager (aka AAM) is a WordPress plugin designed to help you control every aspect of your website, your way.


  • Access & Security Policy allows you to define who, when, how and under what conditions your website resources can be accessed;
  • Content access control on the frontend, backend and API levels to posts, pages, media attachments, custom post types, categories, tags, custom taxonomies for any role, user and visitors;
  • Roles & capabilities management with the ability to create new roles and capabilities, edit, clone or delete existing;
  • Access control to backend area including backend menu, toolbar, metaboxes & widgets;
  • Access control to RESTful API;
  • Developer-friendly API so it can be used by other developers to work with AAM core;
  • And all necessary features to setup smooth user flow during login, logout, access denied even, 404 etc.