WPDemo.net is for WordPress theme designers and plugin developers that want to allow potential customers to test drive their WordPress plugins or themes before buying. With our service they can have separate/private & temporary demo WordPress sites (hosted by us) that users can try the themes and plugins both on the frontend and the backend with full admin access but without being able to download or modify any of the source code as users can’t install plugins/themes or edit them. By using our hosted product demo service they don’t risk somebody hacking into outdated demo sites and then getting into your main site and then causing all kinds of troubles.

Video: How the demo works (1min) - [video link]

The users can’t install additional plugins or themes or edit them so your code is safe.

By using our hosted product demo service you don't risk somebody hacking into your outdated demos and then getting into your main site and causing all kinds of troubles.

Features / Benefits

  • Quick set up. The demo site creation usually completes in less than 5-6 seconds. We're constantly looking for ways to optimize this time even more.
  • (Almost) no friction to demo (captcha code is required).
  • After the demo is set up the user is automatically logged in, saving themanother click
  • Dedicated, private and isolated WP demo sites - your clients won’t see any garbage content entered the users before them
  • Automatic site expiration. The expired demo sites are automatically deleted later.
  • No additional load on your server because we’re hosting everything
  • The demo set up is quick because we’ve made some awesome optimizations
  • You can optionally have buy now and support links shown in the top WordPress admin bar so users can get in touch with you with pre-sales questions or to directly buy the product. We'll automatically add ?utm_source parameter to both links so you can check how many visitors you have from your demo sites
  • No risk of somebody hacking into your main site because of an outdated demo site with plugins/themes because of the clear separation.
  • Pre-configure a demo site template by installing plugins/themes
  • Demo sites can start fresh (default WP) or be an exact replica of the demo site template that you’ve created or be based on the system ones such as WordPress, WooCommerce, WooCommerce + Sample Data
  • Redirect URL: The users can be redirected directly to your plugin’s main page saving your users a click. You can configure that during demo set up.
  • The demo sites have a timer showing how much time they have left before the demo site expires and gets deleted
  • WordPress options removal. You can list which option keys to be removed. This is for example license key that you've used during the demo site template set up. If you don't do it people may copy it and use it themselves.
  • Set a user with a specific role (applies to theme & plugin demos)
  • Add custom JS/CSS code that will be loaded on each demo site both public side and admin area. This could be Analytics, chat code that you may use to record user behavior or have users contact you from within the demo site with pre-sales questions or bug reports.
  • Default/System packages: WordPress, WooCommerce, WooCommerce + Sample Data
  • Update your demo template site (WordPress, plugins, themes) with a single click
  • Create content dynamically after the demo is set up e.g. a page with a specific title, slug/link, content which may include a shortcode that your plugin needs.
  • Copy the demo link or copy/paste our HTML code that contains the link to the demo
  • You can even update the demo site template before doing the package sync
  • Chose the starter package template for Full Site Demos. You can start the demo site template from our System packages or from one of your existing and already configured packages